The sailing isn't until August so we are before final payment. His for $1,000 and mine for $750ġ - Can I apply the value off a current booking made through my normal travel agent? It wasn't booked through the casino team. It also allows you to use a $ value off a different cruise if those dates don't work. My letter is for an ocean view cabin for 2 and lists various sailings. My husband's letter is for a balcony cabin for 2 and lists various sailings. We also both received letters the last night from the casino host for free cruises. We both received stickers on our cards during the sailing that gave us free drinks in the casino and waived the 5% fee if we take money out on our cards - these were great perks. My husband and I just returned from Anthem of the Seas last week and I have some questions about the Club Royale program.