Table notes: data sourced from Moneyfacts on 6 December 2023. Please note that minimum and maximum deposit amounts vary, even across products with the same rate, so make sure you consider the full details before you opt for a new account.
What's more, the rates are sometimes only payable for a limited time, often 12 months. Just bear in mind that unlike fixed-rate bonds or instant-access accounts, which allow you to deposit a lump sum, you'll be much more restricted on the amounts you can pay into a regular savings account: maximum monthly deposits are typically between £250-£500. Regular savings accounts can offer higher interest rates than many other types of savings product, but some of them require you to have a current account with the same provider. Find out more: what are the different types of savings accounts?.(a) Rate includes a 3.46% bonus for 12 months. Provider score is based on savers' overall satisfaction with the brand and how likely they are to recommend it to others. Table notes: rates sourced from Moneyfacts on 6 December 2023.